Tuesday 29 July 2014

When life gives you lemons.....

... I normally like to lie in a darkened room for an undetermined period of time. Or at least loll on the sofa watching back to back episodes of Friends (it still diverts my attention after all these years.....) drinking martinis, eating chocolate, enjoying the misery. Yes.... fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more..... to quote Blackadder. My friends don't want me to wallow, they say: get back in the saddle,  you show them, what do they know anyway. They tell me stories of their on failures, their friends' failures, famous failures. It's all good stuff. The thing is the older you get the harder it is to get back in the saddle and show them. When you're a kid you fall over all the time, I fall over I'm going to need a new hip.

But hey, life's too short so I've counted my blessings and when the going gets tough ....... I get out the paint brushes. It's time to leave what the Americans call, the pity party.
Fortunately, under my sink seems to be a secret portal into B&Q and all the paint and brushes and, yes, sugar soap, I needed was on hand. I mixed a few colours .... 4 years at art college not wasted..... and today I painted my sittingroom pink.

And rewarded myself with cherries and a slab of Beauvale, a delicious, creamy cheese made by those Stilton chaps, Cropwell Bishop. Gorgeous.
 Top tip: think pink!!


  1. Way to go !!!!!
    I'm not a pink person but that is lovely ….. dusty, dirty pink. Perfect for when you're feeling low.
    …..and, cherries are delicious at the moment aren't they ? and, combined with the cheese ….. perfect.
    I do hope that there was a glass of wine too ?!!!!!
    Hope you're feeling cheerier now ….. thinking of you. XXXX

  2. Oh dear. Lemons are fine, but not too many, all at once, with nothing to sweeten the taste... Hope you are OK; a secret portal to B&Q sounds just the thing to pick you up, as does a fresh coat of paint. On the walls, I mean, not on you. And I also hope that the cheese was accompanied by wine! xxx

  3. Love that pink. At our basement London flat we had black and white tiles and we painted walls Percy pink and I loved it!
    I lie in bed for hours a day reading etc. other people do meditation, I'm a lier downer

  4. Oh Pink Walls. That does sound cheerful. And cheese and cherries. Like Curtise I'm hoping there was some wine. Rose perhaps? Thank you for the comment on my latest post. Like you I'm laying low for awhile. Didn't want my blog posts to be all about MY pity party. Hope you're doing well!

  5. Run a stampede over the ones who tell you to get back in the saddle? A stampede of tubby men in Richard Nixon masks perhaps......
    Pink paint, cheese, and cherries; if that's a pity party, it's certainly a tasteful one. You keep right on doing what's needful to take care of you. X

  6. Oh dear, I'm sorry things haven't been going well. Those pink walls are enough to lift the gloomiest of spirits and I'd happily join you for tea, that cheese is making my mouth water. xxx

  7. You have the best outlook, wallow, then bounce! Living well is the best revenge.

  8. Oooh, loving the pink! And may you soon be back in it too.

  9. I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch.

  10. Do hope things are going better?
    Pink is cheering, food is definitely cheering -and the quote from Blackadder delightful.
    Cheers from NY!

  11. Hello,

    It is definitely true that the older one gets the more difficult it is to bounce back after personal disappointments. Perhaps as we age we invest rather more heavily in relationships and friendships and, sadly, in this throw away society one can be so easily cast aside. Do we ever learn?

    Whatever, your walls look wonderful. The perfect dirty pink which we should love. Grown up yet still full of youthful fun!

    We should just add a glass of good red........cheers!

  12. Oh, how ruefully funny. Reminds me of something you said on one of my posts, something to the effect of, "Life's too short to spend time cleaning, just paint over the grime." I think that's excellent advice, both literally and figuratively. (That looks like some excellent cheese.)

  13. Thank you for popping over - great to hear from you. I like that pink very much- we have spent the day gutting the dump room for niece's imminent long stay... needs a good clean & a lick of paint & I have a lot of grey !

    Have to cover a hole in the ceiling - thinking a poster like at some dentists !


  14. Too many lemons landing at my place just lately, maybe I need to think pink?!

  15. Pink is the colour of Lois Lane's knickers. Expect a visit from Superman!

  16. Did you sing lilly the pink (the scaffolds) while you painted? What a great blog, still laughing. I hope things pick up for you x

  17. Sounds like you have been having a hard time. Hope things improve.

  18. Think pink, indeed and I hope things will get better soon, lovely. Kisses

  19. Forget PINK; eat BLUE cheese. Much more rewarding.

  20. You read to write more blog posts, lady! :)

  21. Oops...I mean NEED, not read. Mercy!
