Monday 23 September 2013

This is England......

I went to the Isle of Wight last week, just for a couple of days.....
 We had sun and sand and picked things.......
And we had rain and wind and took shelter in a pub, ate crab sandwiches, drank pints ......
And watched the waves.....
And then we walked in the sunshine along the coast......
And sat in the garden and ate lunch........
Everywhere we went we always took the weather......

Top tip: Civil Wars new CD, aptly titled: Civil Wars, is as brilliant as their last and perfect to dance the rainy-day-blues away; so sad they will no longer play together again.

Saturday 7 September 2013

The dog days of summer all gone......

Summertime and the living was easy…..but now it’s back to 
school back to reality. Do we ever forget that September 
feeling: new penil case, new shoes, new class? This time I 
won’t mess up with my homework, stay on top of it, get 
gold stars......
How quickly we forgot the bleak mid-summer, heating on in 
“I had to, it was freezing.” whispred behind hands,
Hot water bottles stuffed beneath duvets, umbrellas and boots 
ever ready, that was summer before July and then…..the sun 
came out. And stayed out. Out and proud.
Top tip: winter can be so cold for those with no warm memories......let the sunshine in.