Friday 7 February 2014

I'd just like to thank.......

...... the NHS.
I had to go for a routine breast screen...... getting your tits out for the nurses is where it's at when your old. Fortunately I have spent very little time in any hospital but when I do I am always blown away by the people who work there. All of them. But, as someone who is so squeamish putting a band aid on a child's scraped knee has me practically passing out, I think nurses are astonishingly brilliant. How they get up everyday and go and do that often thankless job, taking care of us, I do not know. Thank God for all of us they do. The nurse was efficiently caring, giving clear instructions and constant reassurance that it would all be over very soon. Any woman who has been through it knows it's not pleasant but it is quick. How utterly brilliant that we are offered this service, without even asking. How utterly brilliant that these nurses are there to help us. Yes, hospitals can kill you but most of the time they are looking after us really, really well. My appointment was over in minutes, I thanked her and with a smile she was gone through the door and on to the next one.

And a big thanks also goes to Patti Smith. Regular readers will know that 'fan' hardly covers my love for the woman, I practically need a restraining order. Billed as an evening of words and music at the Cadogan Hall in Chelsea, it was, by any standards, a blinding gig. Such is the age of her fan-base that even I feel young, always a bonus, but it didn't stop a grey wave surging the stage as we stood and danced, arms aloft, screaming out G. L. O. R. I. Aaaaaaa Glooooooooria!!

Top tip: when suffering from a touch of sciatica, dance wildly with your arms stretched in the air for a while..... works wonders!!


  1. Sounds like a brilliant evening, and so glad that mammogram is done and out of the way!

  2. How right you are about nurses and the NHS …. it really annoys me when people moan about it. We are so lucky to have it. I actually don't mind having the old mammogram , although, I always think they are going to burst with all that pressure !!!! haha
    …. and, sounds as if you had a great time with Patti …. I'm always the first one up, dancing and singing !! XXXX

  3. It's about stretching out the nerves ... fixing the sciatica that is

  4. Absolutely. A clear mammogram is worth a hands in the air dance. Woohoo!

  5. Patti Smith rocks, I adore her more and more each time I see her.
    Hooray for the NHS and the wonderful people who work for them. I'm a sucker for 24 Hours in A&E, it never fails to reduce me to tears! x

  6. I am going for a mammogram on Tuesday. Here's what I hate: the call back. And I always get one and I spend the days between the notification and the all-clear signal in desperate anxiety. WHY can't they read the films while you're there the first time? WHY?
    Well, I will remember your words when I go in and I will try to be grateful.
    I am so glad you danced.

  7. I laughed out loud at your comment about getting your tits out for the nurses. I so appreciate the NHS and I am always astonished how it keeps going despite the attacks constantly being made on it and the burdens being put on staff. Everyone I know who works for it says it is a nightmare, but they all keep going, and I can only think the good ones must have a vocation, old fashioned though that concept is in the world of "performance targets"

  8. I totally agree about the NHS - the nursing profession in general are brilliant (the Service itself needs much better management........). Mr VTT suddenly had pneumonia last year and the nurses in the hosp were great. You do love your Patti, don't you?! X

  9. I went for a routine mammogram on Wednesday. Machine was broken, room full of waiting women and no idea when or if an engineer would arrive. I didn't hang around and received a new appointment in the post today. I do find these breast nurses are particularly caring.

  10. Whatever the complaints about the NHS' occasional failings, I am still extremely glad that we have it. I'm 50 this year, so I guess I'll be getting the bob squish experience soon...
    Patti Smith is an icon! xxx

  11. I got my bowel cancer screening kit two days after turning 50. Now that's service!

  12. Trina explained the procedure to me in some detail. I didn't realise it involved a sort of giant clamp.

    Let's hope we still have an NHS in ten years' time to do this, because if this lot get in again we'll all be paying Virgin Healthcare for a US style private health service.

    R -- is there any chance you could let us comments as name/URL rather than having to sign in through WP or something?

  13. We have a lot to be thankful for (at our age!!!) . Routine Colonoscopy for me this week as my mums family suffer from early deaths from Bowel Cancer. Nasty nasty procedure, but so thankful I get screened for free to put my mind at rest. xx

  14. Patti Smith is energy incarnated.

  15. I say "Amen" to ALL of this post!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    =^..^= <3

  16. I like your dancing advice and would only add that dancing wildly with your arms in the air and a crapload of painkillers works even better.

  17. I love your top tip for sciatica, I am not familiar with Patti's music, will check her out on YT.

  18. I'm in awe of your NHS.

  19. I love Patti and the NHS! Didn't know about that gig, sounds fab.

  20. At 66, she rocks the house. her concert in Seattle was splendid, just splendid. And her book, Just Kids, is a most read.

  21. Just stumbled across your blog. This post made me chuckle, as like you I've just hit 50 and had the celebratory mammogram. I felt like she was kneading bread with mine!

  22. it's been way too long since i came over here for a visit - but i'm happy i did! love your sciatica cure and also your friends here - you're all amazing!
