Saturday 5 March 2011

A drop of the heart stuff.......


"Coffee?" he said, "Or maybe a drink?"

He tucked a wodge of unreconstructed blonde hair behind his ear and rocked back on the heels of his cowboy boots: Robert Plant meets Aiden from Sex & The City. Her first husband had worn cowboy boots and she still didn't like them. He smiled a broad, thin-lipped smile.

"That depends," she said, "on your cocaine consumption."
"Cocaine consumption?"
"And whether you think three pints in an hour and a half is: a lot, a little, who's counting?"

He flattened his hands on the counter that separated him from her and drumbed his fingers. She wondered what his favourite film was. She wondered what it would be like to walk along the sand with him, pinked-palm trees aching out across the beach, the golden splash of dipping sun lapping at their toes; cold-beers, crispy-fish spiked with lime and chili, sticky nights under a mosquito net, love and lust drowning out the braking waves and barking dogs......

He arched a brow.
"Well," he said, "maybe the odd line."
He had trouble written right through him like a stick of rock.

This week I knitted myself a hot water bottle cover. This is my life.

Top tip: fine cotton, polka dot M & S pyjamas £15 ........ oh sweet dreams....


  1. One of those weeks, huh? the passion, the knitting, the pyjamas. (They sound nice, those pyjamas. Haven't wanted pj's for about 20 years but I feel a faint stirring).
    Was too frantic at the time but also wanted to tell you that you last post was so damned funny (and the replies). Stay cool xx

  2. I could really do with new pyjamas. Will go and look. You are going to be personally responsible for a sudden rise in their polka dot sales figures....

  3. Thanks for the tip on the PJ's I need a decent new pair (all my others have red wine spilt on them!!!!!!). He may look fine and set your heart a flutter, but I think its great to be of an age when you know he's not worth the bother! I agonised with Carrie over the Aiden/Big dilemma. Aiden won in my heart (probably because he looked like less bother than Big!). xxx

  4. Thank you sooooooooooooo much for your kind comments.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. Can't wear pyjama's get too bloody hot! I have been having a few disturbing dreams lately.....

  6. Good writing, girlfriend. Hope all is well.



  7. I'm knitting bedsocks. I think my bedsocks trump your hot water bottle cover. Hahah!

  8. Just discovered your blog ! great !

  9. I think I just lost my comment. Either that or I'm losing my mind! Just wanted to say that my sis and I are huge fans of hot water bottles. I've not considered knitting a cover for one but it sounds a great idea. Hugs, R. x

  10. Thanks for visiting "This is Belgium"!

  11. Never mind the knitting, the hot water bottle and the pyjamas, I want to hear more about Mr Trouble!

    (and that is nothing to do with the fact that I'm sitting here knitting and reading blogs at 6.00am on a Saturday morning because, as you so ably described in your previous post, I'm tired of fighting with the duvet and fighting to dismiss the night demons to get some sleep...)
    Great writing all round.

  12. I'm with Sharon, I want to hear more about Mr. Trouble as well. He sounds interesting.

    Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog by the way, much appreciated.

  13. Dear Jo, that made me laugh. Oh God! Older men with baggage. There must be some good ones out there that haven't lost their looks!

    I love pyjamas and all sorts of nightwear. I only get dressed if I leave the house then get changed when I get in. I have a whole section of nightdresses, kaftans and pyjamas. My favourite pyjamas at the moment are made of modal which feels like very soft jersey. I think it's made of bamboo. I have matching socks too. A doubt it's a look I'll be blogging. I'll call you in a bit for a catch up. Love, C xx
